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alt: alternate
brk1: brioche knit – knit next stitch together with its yarn over
brk2tog: brioche knit two stitches together
brp1: brioche purl – purl next stitch together with its yarn over
brssk: slip, slip, brioche knit slipped sts together
C1/C2/C3: colour one/two/three
C3F: slip 2 stitches onto cable needle, hold at front of work, K1, K2 from cable needle
C3B: slip 2 stitches onto cable needle, hold at back of work, K1, K2 from cable needle
C3R: slip 1 stitch onto cable needle, hold at back of work, K2, K1 from cable needle
C8F slip next 4 stitches onto cable needle, hold at front of work, K4, K4 stitches from cable needle
C8B: slip next 4 stitches onto cable needle, hold at back of work, K4, K4 stitches from cable needle
CC: contrast colour
CDD: centered double decrease
CN: cable needle
CR3L: slip 2 stitches onto cable needle, hold at front of work, P1, K2 stitches from cable needle
CR3R; slip 1 stitch onto cable needle, hold at back of work, K2, P1 stitch from cable needle
dec: decrease
DPN: double pointed needle
foll: following
G ST: garter stitch, working straight: K every row, in the round: K one round, P the next
inc: increase
inc1: increase, knit into front and back of next stitch, knit but keep stitch on left needle then insert right needle into the back loop of same stitch, bring yarn round again to create an extra stitch
inc1 purl-wise: increase, purl into front and back of next stitch, purl but keep stitch on left needle then insert right needle into the back loop of same stitch from the back, bring yarn round again to create an extra stitch
K: knit stitch
K000: wrap yarn around the needle 3 times and knit
K1B: knit one below, insert needle through centre of stitch below next stitch on needle and knit in the usual way, slip the stitch above off the needle at the same time
K2tog: knit two stitches together
KPKPK: in the same stitch, knit, purl, knit, purl, knit
KW: knit wise - insert your right needle into the stitch as if you were going to knit it
M1: make 1, insert the left needle from front to back into the horizontal strand between the two stitches, knit through back loop
M1L: insert left needle, from front to back, under strand of yarn which runs between next stitch on left needle and last stitch on right needle, knit this stitch through back loop
M1R: insert left needle, from back to front, under strand of yarn which runs between next stitch on left needle and last stitch on right needle; knit this stitch through front loop
M: make bobble (K1, K1tbl, K1, K1tbl, K1) all in next stitch, pass 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th stitches over 1st
MC/SC: main/second colour
NB: st + its yarn over counts as one, so knit together next 3 loops (or 2sts)
P purl stitch
P1B: purl one below, insert needle through centre of stitch below next stitch on needle and purl in the usual way, slip the stitch above off the needle at the same time
P2tog: purl two stitches together
P5tog: purl 5 stitches together if tension allows, OR sl4 purl-wise then purl 1 stitch, pass 4 slipped stitches over
PKSO: pass knit st over, insert left needle into knit st and pass it over st(s) and of the right needle
PM: place marker (s)
PSSO: pass slipped stitch over, insert left needle into slipped stitch and pass it over stitch(es) and off the right needle
PW: insert your right needle down into the front loop of the stitch
Rem: remaining
REV ST ST reverse stocking stitch, working straight: P one row, K the next, in the round: P every round
RS: right side of work
S2KP: slip two together knitwise, K1, then pass the two slipped stitches over the knit stitch
sl1: slip 1 stitch - check if knitwise (kw) purlwise (pw)
st / sts: stitch / stitches
ST ST: stocking stitch, working straight: K one row, P the next, in the round: K every round
SSK: slip, slip, knit, sl two stitches as though to knit, insert left needle into slipped stitches and K2tog
SKPO: slip next stitch, K1, insert left needle into slipped stitch and pass it over the knitted stitch and off the right needle
SM: slip marker
tbl: through the back loop
tks: Tunisian knit stitch
WS: wrong side of work
W&T: wrap and turn:
Wyib: with yarn in back
wyif: with yarn in front
On a K (RS) row YTF, slip next stitch as though to K, YTB, return slipped stitch to left needle with needles in P position (stitch is now twisted), turn
On a P (WS) row YTB, slip next stitch as though to P, YTF, return slipped stitch to left needle with needles in P position (stitch is not twisted), turn
yf/yo: yarn forward/yarn over, bring yarn to front of work between needles as if to purl
yos: yarn over slip – bring yarn to front, slip st purlwise, carry yarn to back of work over right needle
yfrn: yarn forward round needle over and back through 2 loops, repeat from * until 1 loop on hook
ytb: take yarn to back
BP: back post (working around the stitch)
BPtr: back post treble crochet
CB: centre back
CC: contrast colour
Cl: cluster
Cl4: cluster 3 – beginning with one st on hook, *yarn over, into st, yarn over and pull through (3 loops on hook, repeat from * two more times (7 loops on hook), yarn over and pull through all stitches on hook
Cl4: cluster 4 – beginning with one st on hook, *yarn over, into st, yarn over and pull through (3 loops on hook, repeat from * three more times (9 loops on hook), yarn over and pull through all stitches on hook
ch: chain stitch
ch sp: chain space
cl: beginning with one stitch on hook, yarn over, into stitch, pull through, yarn over, into stitch, pull through (5 loops on hook) yarn over and pull through all stitches on hook, ch1
cl2: cluster, ch1, cluster
dc: double crochet (British English), insert hook into stitch, wrap yarn around hook, bring yarn through stitch, wrap yarn round hook again then bring yarn through both stitches on hook
dc2 into next stitch: double crochet twice in to the same stitch from the previous round
dc2tog: double crochet 2 stitches together (decrease by one stitch)
dc3tog: double crochet 3 stitches together (decrease by two stitches)
dtr: double treble crochet – yarn over twice, into stitch, yarn over and back through 1 loop (4loops on hook) *yarn over and back through 2 loops, repeat from * until 1 loop on hook
FP: front post (working around the stitch)
FPtr: front post treble crochet
htr: half treble crochet
MC: main colour
picot: (dc1, ch3, dc1) into 3rd ch of next ch5 from previous row
rnds: rounds
RS: right side of work
sl st: slip stitch
skip picot: picot do not crochet into picot from previous row, instead ‘skip’ over the picot and continue
sp: space
spike: a treble st worked into top of central cluster treble in row below
st / sts: stitch / stitches
Tdc: Tunisian double crochet
Tfs: Tunisian full stitch
Tsc: Tunisian simple crochet
tr : treble crochet
twtr: twin treble
WS: wrong side of work
yrh: yarn round hook