dove crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie pigeon crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie canary crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie raven crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie booby bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Celine the Dove
Dora the Wood Pigeon
Ernest the Canary
Henry the Raven
Vince the Blue-Footed Booby
magpie bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie stork bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie mallard bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie kiwi Bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie seagull bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Alan the Magpie
Ina the Stork
Duke the Mallard
Ethel the Kiwi
Dave the Seagull
flamingo bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie pelican bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie hen bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie owl bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie dodo bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Sophia the Flamingo
Huck the Pelican
Hazel the Hen
Barney the Owl
Elizabeth the Dodo
bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie vulture bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie ostrich bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie turkey bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie cassowary bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Mateo the Cock of the Rock
Emily the Vulture
Florian the Ostrich
Ross the Turkey
Kevin the Cassowary
chicken bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie eagle bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie rooster bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie swan bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie cockatoo bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Tricia the Silkie Chicken
Abraham the Bald Eagle
Kit the Rooster
Margot the Swan
Elvis the Cockatoo
woodpecker bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie lovebird bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie toucan bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie robin bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie puffin bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Scott the Woodpecker
Gianni the Lovebird
Meghan the Toucan
Robin the Robin
Gareth the Puffin
peacock bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie penguin bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie owl bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie macaw bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie penguin bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Rohit the Peacock
Caesar the Emperor Penguin
Enid the Long-Eared Owl
Jack the Macaw
Petra the Rockhopper Penguin
kingfisher bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie owl bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie pheasant bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie penguin bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie jay bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Ben the Kingfisher
Anik the Snowy Owl
Gilbert the Pheasant
Oscar the Penguin
Jorge the Jay
goose bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie doctor bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie hummingbird bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie heron bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie hornbill bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Camille the Canadian Goose
Julian the Doctor Bird
Bastian the Hummingbird
Agnes the Heron
Nor the Rhinoceros Hornbill
kookaburra bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie secretary bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie paradise bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie lorikeet bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Jacob the Hoopoe
Cooper the Kookabura
Lee the Secretary Bird
Putu the Bali Bird of Paradise
Zara the Lorikeet
sparrow bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie duck bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie blackbird bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie emu bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie crane bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Edwin the Sparrow
Geraldine the Duck
Peter the Blackbird
Taylor the Emu
Aimi the Japanese Crane
phoenix bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie melvin, orust, rooster
Guy the Phoenix
elvin the Orust Rooster
Renée the Schalow’s Turaco
Themba the Hyacinth Macaw

Orlando the Roseate Spoonbill

galah bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie grey crowned crane bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
rian the Galah
Zane the Grey Crowned Crane
Silo the Chinstrap Penguin
Rory the Northern Cardinal
Fenton the Whiskered Treeswift
Augustine the Greenfinch
Lydia the Greylag Goose
Lazarus the Cayuga Duck
Ruth the Polish Hen
Matthew the Leghorn Cockerel
pelican bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie gannet bird crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie

Amelia the Saddle-Billed-stork

Leonardo the California Quail
Phoebe the Emden Goose
atsy the Australian Pelican
Bram the Northern Gannet
Elaine the Scarlet Ibis Birds Club Ryan the Violet-Backed Starling crochet pattern Felix the Red-Legged Partridge crochet pattern
Maurice the Western Red-Billed Hornbill
Elijah the Scarlet Macaw
Elaine the Scarlet
Ryan the Violet-Backed Starling
Felix the Red-Legged Partridge
Beatrice the Turtle Dove Crochet Pattern Delilah the Cattle Egret Crochet Pattern Lois the Great Cormorant Crochet Pattern Nina the Spoon_Billed Sandpiper Crochet Pattern John the Spotted Woodpecker Crochet Pattern
Beatrice the Turtle Dove
Delilah the Cattle Egret
Lois the Great Cormorant
Nina the Spoon-Billed Sandpiper
John the Spotted Woodpecker
Cindy the American Flamingo Crochet Pattern Ezra the Gouldian Finch Crochet Pattern Christian the Purple Throated Euphonia Crochet Pattern Azula the Indian Roller Bird Crochet Pattern Adoria the Madagascan Love Bird Crochet Pattern
Cindy the American Flamingo
Ezra the Gouldian Finch
Christian the Purple-Throated Euphonia
Azula the Indian Roller Bird
Adoria the Madagascan Love Bird
Pascal the Mandarin Duck Crochet Pattern Desmond the Blue Tit Crochet Pattern Kenzo the Honeycreeper Crochet Pattern Travis the Pink Robin Crochet Pattern Estella the Clockwork Nightingale Crochet Pattern
Pascal the Mandarin Duck
Desmond the Blue Tit
Kenzo the Honeycreeper

Travis the Pink Robin

Estella the Clockwork Nightingale
Sienna the Oyster Catcher Crochet Pattern Pedro the Wine-Throated Hummingbird Crochet Pattern Arthur the Blue-Winged Teal Crochet Pattern Amigurumi Crochet Indian Paradise Flycatcher Bird Amigurumi Crochet Calvin the Golden Pheasant
Sienna the Oyster Catcher
Pedro the Wine-Throated Hummingbird
Arthur the Blue-Winged Teal
Raja the Indian Paradise Flycatcher
Calvin the Golden Pheasant
Mia the Blue Waxbill Crochet Pattern Isabella the Rainbow Toucan Crochet Pattern Terence the Budgie Crochet Pattern Amigurumi Crochet Yokohama Cockerel Bird Amigurumi Crochet Reddish Egret Bird
Mia the Blue Waxbill
Isabella the Rainbow Toucan
Terence the Budgie
Callahan the Yokohama Cockerel

Deni the Reddish Egret

Amigurumi Crochet Crane Bird Amigurumi Crochet Crimson Rosella Bird Amigurumi Crochet Crimson Rosella Bird
Charlie the Crane

Yantra the Crimson 

Talulah the Bananaquit

Vlad the Pesquet's Parrot
Colton the Steller's Jay

Dodd the Great
Grey Owl

Bert the Red Crested Turaco

Jasper the Resplendent Quetzal

Salvador the Tufted Titmouse
Bembé the Purple Honeycreeper

Calbert the Lady Amherst

Morris the Jacquard
Keryn the Mountain
Marcos the Spangled Cotinga
Maynard the Bullfinch

Margherita the Greater Flamingo

Dudley the Red Grouse
Marley the Ghost Bird

Miles the White Browed 
Tit Warbler

Maive the Little
Blue Heron


Aster the Bird of Hope

Annika the Eurasian Spoonbill
Archer the Major Mitchell's Cockatoo
Albie the Leucistic Yellow Robin
Callista the Princess Parrot
Diego the Red-Legged Honeycreeper
Cameron the Parrot
Levi the Red-and-Yellow Barbet
Glenn the Red Kite
Desdemona the
Spectacled Owl
Leroy the King Parrot
Gibson the Pompadour Cotinga
Naomi the Crowned Pigeon